08 diciembre 2008

Nuevo manual de biciestacionamientos de Dinamarca

Bicycle parking manual (en inglés)

Cycling as a means of transport is on the increase in towns and cities, and further growth in the number of cyclists is expected in the coming years. At the same time, a lot is being done at many levels to get more people on their bicycles.
However, not much thought is going into the question of where all these bicycles should be parked when not in use.

Part of the problem is that bicycle parking has not been given the necessary attention in urban planning and area use.

Moreover, no clear guidelines exist as to what constitutes
good bicycle parking facilities. This affects the decision-making processes, and the quality of the solutions realised is not impressive.

Anarchic cyclists or useless bicycle parking?
It is a general assumption that cyclists behave like anarchists when parking their bicycles. Many therefore see the creation of orderly conditions in this area as being a question of upbringing.

However, the primary reason why cyclists behave anarchically is that not enough parking spaces are available and also that the location of many of the available parking spaces is not practical. At the same time, many of the stands and racks offered are not good enough.

When the bicycle parking problem becomes acute in the public space, the solutions devised are often haphazard. They rarely solve the problem, but end up as an eyesore in the townscape.

Consequently, the anarchic parking habits continue despite all the good intentions and despite many futile attempts to procure a sufficient number of parking spaces, or just more parking spaces.

Problem not insoluble
The growing chaos and anarchy surrounding bicycle parking make the problem appear insoluble – which, of course, it is not. First and foremost, bicycle parking must be included in all relevant planning and decision-making processes
at the relevant times.

In connection with all building and construction works, conversions, refurbishments, renovations, maintenance and improvement projects and new building works, bicycle parking should be included in the process from the outset. Like other area planning issues.

Local authorities should make demands
As not all developers are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the establishment of bicycle parking facilities, the local authorities must introduce specific requirements. It is important that the solutions are sound and that they meet a small number of crucial requirements.

• The solutions must ensure that the necessary parking area and number of parking spaces are available.
• The solutions must ensure that bicycle parking facilities are located and laid out in a way that encourages use.
• The solutions must signal order, system and balance.

In other words, the solutions must signal that the town or city and the local authorities, the business and the developer appreciate the fact that many people elect to use their bicycle as a means of transport.


Guidelines and recommendations 6
Bicycle parking step by step 7
Attract attention 8
Choose the right location 10
Outline a solution that works 12
Make sure there are enough spaces 14
Identify the right racks and stands 16
Make parking safe 18
Consider operation and maintenance 20
Spoil the cyclists 22

Manual 24
Getting bicycle parking right 25
Introduction 25
Choose the right location 27
Outline a solution that works 32
Make sure there are enough spaces 38
Choose the right racks and stands 42
Make parking safe 48
Consider operation and maintenance 52
Spoil the cyclists 54
The path to good bicycle parking 58
Introduction 58
Players and processes 58
Tools and working methods 66
Physical layout 70

Inspiration and good examples 80
Small parking facility 81
Medium-sized parking facilities 82
Large parking facility 84
Mass parking 88